Why We Started.
The Engineering Summit was created by engineering management execs who wanted to take the next step beyond conferences and events which present ideas but little camaraderie or accountability. By creating the invitation-only summit where only the best are invited, it is possible to share best practices, experiences and insights in a candid, open environment while holding each other accountable for excellence.
Our Foundation.
Engineering Summits is committed to enabling its members to build relationships and learn from the experiences of their peers by providing timely relevant discussions and exceptional service delivery. Meeting these objectives has enabled members to improve performance of their organizations and enhance their careers.
Exceptional engineering management executives who have been nominated for membership. Vendors are not allowed to join or participate to ensure openness. Disclosing other members' issues, challenges, or confidential info to third parties shall be cause for immediate suspension of membership.
Membership Responsibilities.
Summit members are encouraged to take active participation in the monthly meetings as well as supply feedback in order for us to continually strive to bring you the most current and relevant topics.
Can I Try It Free?
We pledge our members confidentiality so we cannot have non-members listening in the background. However, you have 30 days after joining to request a full refund for any reason. This allows you to try without risk.
Is There a Cost?
There is a cost which is covered under "Join Now". Included are 12 monthly meetings which include a Fortune 1000 leader presentation along with Q&A. Access to presentation slides and audio recordings of all current year and past year meetings are also provided. Members may use the member intranet to interact on critical management issues, schedule site visits, and build relationships with their peers.
May I Contact Members as References?
Here is a list of member companies but we do not give contact information out to non-members. However, when you join you be able to contact all members and you will have 30 days after joining to request a full refund for any reason. This allows you to try it without risk.
Why was I Invited to Join?
Either a member nominated you, or we specifically wanted your company involved and researched what we thought was the best executive.
Can Vendors Join?
Membership is exclusively limited to the leaders within a company in order to provide an open, candid environment in which members feel free to discuss their critical management issues. Others may become sponsors and may interact with members but may not have access to all events.
Can I earn CPE credits by particpating in the monthly sessions?
Currently not automatically as credit approvals are state-by-state but you can manually submit in most states for credit.
Can I get a copy of your W-9 form for my accounting department?
Click here to download our W-9 form.
Membership Agreement.
Our full membership agreement and privacy policy are located Here